The Six Pillars

Introducing Our Six Pillars 

Our six pillars underpin every successful business. Find out how we can help you strengthen these pillars so your organisation can move forward and grow.

  1. 1
    Confidence & Mindset - Develop an organisation wide growth-oriented mindset. Build success habits and improved confidence in decision making so everyone is ready to move to the next level.
  2. 2
    Vision & Clarity - Define your values, focus, market, and goals. Create a clear vision and communicate it across your organisation so everyone is inspired, motivated and headed in the same direction.
  3. 3
    Team Health - Make sure you have the right structure, people and skills so you’re set up for performance and growth – now and in the future.
  4. 4
    Dashboards - Implement impactful, clear, consistent data that enables you to make informed business decisions quickly.
  5. 5
    Foundations - Ensure you’re building from sound foundations. Put in place best practice and processes for effective issue resolution and impactful meetings.
  6. 6
    Toolkit - Get access to over 50 integral tools and best practice documents covering specific business needs and common issues.

Want to dive a little deeper?

1. Confidence & Mindset

Aim: Make sure your organisation develops the right mindset for growth and everyone has the confidence to be successful in their roles.


  • Exploring how to move towards a growth orientated mindset
  • Fostering success habits
  • Developing daily routines to create consistent traction towards your goals
  • Mastering efficient delegation methods
  • Improving confidence in decision making

2. Vision & Clarity

  • Growth mindset
  • Success habits
  • Efficient delegation

Aim: Ensure your vision is clear and followed across the entire business.


  • Reviewing your vision, mission statement and core values
  • Evaluating who your right fit client is
  • Assessing your current client base against the above
  • Evaluating your revenue model and income streams
  • Setting out your financial goals, both short and long term
  • Creating your quarterly rocks and targets
  • Clear vision
  • Inspiring mission statement
  • Short- and long-term financial goals
  • Quarterly rocks and targets

3. Team Health

Aim: Make sure you have the right structure, people and skills to work efficiently at all times – now and in the future.


  • Evaluating the current structure and ensuring it’s set up for growth
  • Assessing your team against your values
  • Evaluating your team's current performance
  • Creating clear accountability for every role
  • Identifying next hires and skill gaps
  • Pinpointing the right time to hire
  • Applying ‘Hiring Success Cards’
  • Implementing Leadership skills training
  • Scalable organisation structure
  • Effective delegation and accountability
  • Success and hiring process

4. Dashboard

Aim: Ensure your data is clear, consistent and impactful so informed business decisions can be made quickly.


  • Defining your measurables for each department
  • Agreeing the top 5 numbers for each team
  • Implementing a weekly evaluation process
  • Defining your monthly dashboard
  • Analysing investor metrics and external benchmarking
  • Streamlining technology recommendations
  • Defined department measurables
  • Top 5 numbers for each team
  • Defined monthly dashboard
  • Streamlined technology

5. Foundations

Aim: Make sure you have good foundations in place from which your business can grow.


  • Identifying and integrating best practice across your business
  • Integration of a playbook of processes for operational success and ensuring consistency and efficiency.
  • Implementing efficient meeting agendas
  • Integrating best practice for effective issue resolution across the business.
  • Integrated playbook of processes
  • Efficient meeting agenda
  • Issue resolution best practice

6. Toolkit

Aim: Explore 50 integral tools and best practice documents and deep dive into your areas that need specific attention.

For example:

  • Understanding your conversion rate
  • Reviewing your resource requirements ahead of time
  • Reviewing profitability on a job-by-job basis
  • Implementing time management processes

  • Key tools
  • Essential templates
  • Best practice guides

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